Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yesterday we finally asked for a bit of help getting everything arranged.  We've decided to put off our trip until all of the important details are taken care of.  It's unfortunate because putting off the trip means we probably don't have time to do our nice long path through the north.  We may have to just settle for a trip to the coast of Portugal or the Costal del Sol (poor us).  So within the next few days/ week we should have our Tarjetas almost set, cell phones, internet (fingers crossed!), and a bank account set up.. now all I need is some income and things will be perfect.

Last night we finally found some nightlife in the Centro, and a couple people who had the patience to be friends with us for the night, which was pretty exciting.  Oh how I've missed going out in Spain.  We went to this cool little club where the bartender just passed out free shots/took them all night.  It's funny how Americans stick out like a sore thumb.  As soon as I open my mouth the first response is, "where are you from?".  And I was shocked to learn last night that I was the first American most of the group had ever met.  I'm not in Sevilla anymore, duh.

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