Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Thoughts

Well, not much has been going on, hence the lack of posts.  I haven't traveled in two months, and it feels like ages.  My 'dream life' has become regular day-to-day life.  But not to fear, more travel plans are in the works.

The biggest update I have is Carnaval in Badajoz.  As we have no equivalent in the US (except for maybe Mardi Gras which I've never attended), it's particularly exciting for me.  The best parts were watching the Murgas and Comparsas.  Murgas are groups that dress up and sing.  They all have a different theme of their choice, and they sing about the past year's political situation in Spain.  They're really funny to listen to, although I'm sure I don't understand most of it!  Comparsas are also performing groups, but they are percussionists and dancers.  They wear incredibly elaborate costumes, and it's what I imagine Mardi Gras groups to look like.  There was a 6 hour long parade in which 40-something different comparsas performed.  It was awesome to watch, and even better because the parade went down my street so I was able to watch it from my terrace.  Saturday and Monday nights we were out on the street for a huge botellon (outdoor drinking for which I really have no equivalent because it'd be completely illegal in the US).  No one leaves their house without a costume.  We had some other auxiliars staying with us, so we had a lot of fun.  I dressed up as a jester, Elliot was a knight, and our other friend was a king.

Other than that everything has been pretty quiet.  I'm not sure what's going on in US pop culture, but right now everyone is Spain is obsessed with this song... embrace it and love it!  There's an English version but it sucks compared the the Portuguese one:

You hear this everywhere, the bank, the grocery store, the streets, your students sing it in school... I'm not sick of it yet, and I'll surely miss it when I'm home, although if it's this popular here it MUST exist in the US.

Hmmm...what else what else?  An end of the year trip is in the works for Greece & Istanbul, but nothing confirmed yet (besides my flight to Greece!!! :)) As of right now, I should arrive back stateside sometime between June 9th and 13th!  I have mixed feelings about that.  Sometimes I can't wait to get back and somtimes I'm completely dreading it.  I love things about both countries, and likewise I hate things about both.  I love how Spain is so laid back and relaxed.  Nothing is stressful here, everyone takes their time, and no one is ever in a rush.  If you're late, oh well, no worries.  Why would I want to leave that, when there's only a 'big girl, real-life' job waiting for me back home (hopefully)?  However the same things I love about Spain sometimes tend to drive me absolutely crazy.  Like, when I'm late and I actually care to be on time, and a little old lady decides to cut me off on the sidewalk, turning my half-run into near stop.  You could have waited 2 extra seconds to throw yourself into my path, there's no one behind me..   The thing I hate the most about here is the early morning commute to work.  In DC, the 8AM metro is a peaceful place.  Everyone is sitting quietly, listening to an ipod, whispering with a friend, or grasping for a few extra minutes of sleep before they ascend into the chaos that is a typical American work day.  Here, the 8AM bus to work is anything but peaceful.  As I'm trying to get my few extra minutes of sleep before the chaos that is working at an elementary school, it seems like everyone else has been awake for 4 hours.  Everyone knows each other, and they have to scream from one end of the bus to the other to get their friend's attention. But a simple 'good morning' will not suffice.  Oh no, there's always some story that needs to be screamed over 20 other people's heads, and this is going on between maybe 3 or 4 sets of people.  If that isn't enough to drive you nuts, the bus driver is blasting freakin' party music, as if he was driving me to the club instead of work.
It's funny that the world thinks Americans are loud.  It may be true, but I've met louder.  Don't believe me?  Spend a day at work with me.  But Spaniards aren't the only ones.  I've met some loud Europeans.  Doesn't seem fair America gets faulted for that one.  Come on, there's plenty of other things wrong with Americans.

Well.. the weather got nice for about two weeks.  Not Sevilla weather, but I'll take it.  I even had a nice little tan going on.  I was getting compliments left and right, probably because I'm the only one crazy enough to lay out and tan in February while everyone else has their winter jackets still on.  The sun is so strong here!  But, as always, the weather was just a tease and we're back to clouds today.  This week will be a little cooler, but still maintaining mid 60's so I'll take it.  I have another whole month to wait before I take another trip... my poor life.  I leave on March 30th for Venice.  Hopefully the weather gets nice again so I don't get cabin fever in this little city!

Well, that's truly all that's new in the past two months.  I hope everyone back home is well, and planning your trips to Spain :) My roommate from Sevilla is coming in May, so I'm very excited about that.  Now everyone else get over here!  I can entice you with lovely weather, Sevilla, and Portuguese beaches... doesn't that sound like fun?  Miss everyone and see you all in a few months! 

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